Associate artists
Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse is associated to 9 artists. They include women, men, non-binary and collectives. All these artists operate in the field of performing arts : contemporary dance, music, stunt, theater, and so on.
These collaborations generate shows, concerts, performances, exhibitions and public rehearsals, workshops, educative projets (Chaillot Kids), sports events (Chaillot Olympique), cultural trips (Chaillot Colo) in France and abroad.
Kery James
Born under the name of Alix Mathurin, Kery James is a famous French rapper. Singer, author-composer and playwright, his work tackles life conditions in suburbs, injustice and inequalities in France.

Compagnie XY
For 15 years, the company questions acrobatic language by practicing lifts. Referring to the fondamentals of this circus technique, artists from the collective play with the codes, rythms and forms of acrobatics, putting them into perspective with artistic gesture.

Aurélie Charon
Aurélie Charon is a producer at France Culture, a national cultural radio channel. She presents Tous en scène, a review on the subject of performing arts (Saturday at 8:00 PM), and coordinates the radio creation area L'Expérience (Sunday at 10:00 PM and podcast).

François Chaignaud
Graduated in 2023 at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris, François Chaignaud has danced for many choreagraphers (Alain Buffard, Boris Charmatz, Emmanuelle Huynh or Gilles Jobin). Since his first show in 2004, he wishes to create a global expression by articulating danse and song (Думи мої, 2013), but also by connecting with history, in his creations and his collaborations (including Jérôme Marin or Théo Mercier).

Faustin Linyekula
« I am known as a dancer, a choreographer but I like to present myself as a story teller.
I tell stories through words, dance, fixed images and movement. I live and work at Kisangani, in Democratic Republic of the Congo, ex Zaïre, ex Belgian Congo, ex Independant Congo State, private property of Leopold II, King of Belgium. »
I tell stories through words, dance, fixed images and movement. I live and work at Kisangani, in Democratic Republic of the Congo, ex Zaïre, ex Belgian Congo, ex Independant Congo State, private property of Leopold II, King of Belgium. »

Dorothée Munyaneza
Musician, author and choreographer, Dorothée Munyaneza cultivates an intense work. Since the early 2000s, as she takes part in various musical and dance projects on the international contemporary scene, she works on reality in order seize recollection and bodies, individuals and collectives.

Nacera Belaza
Dancing, a essential need. Like breathing. In her work, Nacera Belaza continues her exploration: sculpting void, embodying it, making it tangible. Born in 1969 in a hamlet near Médéo in Algeria, this autodidact declares : "This is not dance, this is a line, a movement, the movement of escaping from ourselves..."

Gisèle Vienne
Gisèle Vienne is a Franco-Austrian artist, choreographer and director. After graduating in Philosophy, she studied at the puppeteering school Ecole Supérieure Nationale des Arts de la Marionnette. She works regularly with the writer Dennis Cooper, among others. Over the past 20 years, her work has toured in Europe and has regularly been performed in Asia and in America.

Fanny de Chaillé
After her Aesthetics university studies at the Sorbonne, Fanny de Chaillé works with Daniel Larrieu at the Tours National choreographic center. She simultaneously collaborates with Rachid Ouramdane, director of Chaillot, and also performs in Gwenaël Morin’s plays. She participated in visual artists’ projects, such as Thomas Hirschhorn or Pierre Huyghe.