Marco da Silva Ferreira Fantasie minor

Season 23 24
Fantasie minor_Marco da Silva Ferreira_03 © Martin Argyroglo.jpg
Marco da Silva Ferreira’s first inspiration for the show is Shubert’s Fantasia in F minor. Two performers from a largely hip-hop background take on this classical melody for piano four hands and gradually tell a story that transcends the expected culture clash through seamlessly precise choreography.



30 min


  • from 8 years
  • 10h30
  • 14h30
  • 14h30
  • 10h30
  • 14h30
  • 10h30
  • 11h00
    Single tariff
    5 €

With a handful of shows, Marco Da Silva Ferreira has put his native country, Portugal, on the contemporary dance map. His dance style, often enhanced with traditional movements or gestures borrowed from club culture, champions diversity. Ferreira sharpens the eye of the audience, as evidenced by the recent successes of Brother and Carcass. Fantaisie minor offers a new perspective on his creative process. Over Schubert’s Fantasia in F minor, the choreographer has created a provocative duo where each step glides and each footwork is astounding. Tapping into the origins of urban dances, Ferreira’s language is breathtaking in its apparent complexity. The duo mutes into a duel and the music of Schubert forges ahead. Swapping pointes for boots, the two performers hover between the burlesque and the classical. There is a sweetly crazy energy coming off this Fantaisie minor and permeating the dancers’ bodies. This is not a minor but a major pas de deux.  

Philippe Noisette