Nacera Belaza Sur le fil

Season 23 24
Sur le fil de Nacera Belaza
“An aesthetic, physical and grounded tour de force,” wrote journalist Marie-Christine Vernay when the show premiered in 2016. Nacera and Dalila Belaza, accompanied by Aurélie Berland, gave dance a very memorable show. Nacera Belaza revives it here with a group of children. Discover this “tour de force” show in the intimate setting of the salle Firmin Gémier. See program





  • Associate Artist
  • 19h30
  • 19h30
  • Full price
  • Under 30
  • Job Seeker
  • Social minima

Resisting the prescriptions to create new and innovative works constantly, dancer and choreographer Nacera Belaza has pursued the same set of gestures from piece to piece for over 20 years. She draws a line where each point is suffused with the question of life and the quest for powerful inner freedom. In Sur le fil, the artist, along with her sister and partner Dalila Belaza, as well as dancer Aurélie Berland, sets out to create something that is more than a show. In this moment out of time, the stage and house are united by a common vertiginous vibe where opposites come together. In the tricks that they perform at breakneck speed for a long time, the three artists come close to immobility and the deep calm inherent in the depths of being. They each follow their own path, which allows them to break free of dictating habits and mere appearances, becoming more attuned and uniquely open to the others and, more broadly, the world. The dancing of Sur le fil brings the individual to the edges of themselves, on the brink of the void, which is the receptacle for whatever escapes us.  

Anaïs Heluin 

« Et puis, alors que l’hypnose est totale, presque méditative, elle vous réanime, vous oblige à réagir dans des séquences de douche de lumière qui transforment les corps en volutes de fumée plus fines qu’un… fil. À ce jeu, le trio de Nacera, Dalila et Aurélie est un envoutement. »

« C’est dément parce que c’est en dehors de tous les codes chorégraphiques connus. En fait, cela ne ressemble à rien d’autre qu’à un spectacle de Nacera Belaza. »

« Ici, on ne compte pas ses pas, ici, on ne voit pas. On ressent. »

Amélie Blaustein-Niddam, Cult news

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