Héla Fattoumi / Éric Lamoureux TOUT-MOUN

Season 23 24
With ten dancers and a saxophonist onstage, choreographers Héla Fattoumi and Éric Lamoureux conceive a surprising video scenography in which the performers appear and disappear in a fluttering ballet. TOUT-MOUN, which in creole means “each and every one,” uses as starting point the writings of Edouard Glissant about “creolization: realized totality of the world-earth.” See program




  • 19h30
  • 19h30
  • 19h30
  • Full price
  • Under 30
  • Job seeker
  • Social minima

Hailing from France, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and the Caribbean, the ten performers brought together by Héla Fattoumi and Éric Lamoureux have various dance backgrounds, embodying the “power of dissimilarity” central to the work of the two artists. The codirectors of the Centre chorégraphique national de Belfort draw from the thoughts of Martinique native Édouard Glissant as they continue to connect different visions. The Creole title of this piece is a direct homage to the man who advocated for the cross-pollination of the arts and languages in the name of a “poetics of relation.”  Working with both commonalities and clashes, the dancers make up a singularly multifarious group. Saxophonist Raphaël Imbert bounces off their ensembles and breakaways with improvisations hovering between jazz and blues. Video images of landscapes evocative of tropical lushness are projected on large translucent drapes. Off to a world of expanded horizons.  

Isabelle Calabre