Batsheva Dance Company / Ohad Naharin Anafaza

Season 24 25
"Anafaza" is a key work by Ohad Naharin. Thirty years after it premiered, the choreographer restages it, bringing together the Batsheva Dance Company and Batsheva Ensemble on the same stage, and with live music performed by Danni Makov and Avi Belleli and Naharin himself.





  • Dance
  • 20h00
  • 15h00
  • 18h00
  • 16h00
  • 20h00
  • 20h00
  • 20h00
  • 20h00
  • 18h00
    Full Price
    45 €
    Pass Chaillot
    30 €
    Pass Chaillot Jeune
    15 €
    Pass Chaillot Groupe
    30 €

Reprising an older dance by Ohad Naharin, the Batsheva Dance Company celebrates its 30th anniversary with swirling emotional power. After handing over the direction of the company, Naharin went to great lengths to polish this new version. Premiering in 1993, Anaphase observed a world in turmoil – it still is – and used movement to navigate through it. 
Split into three sections, utilizing the changeability of audiences and the virtuosity of the performers, Anaphase is a major piece in the repertoire of Naharin, aka Mister Gaga. He explains: “Anaphase only exists in your memory, it’s not a book you can bring out, an exhibit, a poem or a sculpture. It only exists in your memory and that of those who have seen it. That’s the beauty of dance, it’s an action that vanishes and sticks in your mind. So today, as we revive the show, we are committed to charging your memory with an experience that isn’t necessarily the same as others you’ve had before.”

Philippe Noisette