Johanna Faye & Yom sous ma terre il y a de l'eau

Season 24 25
She is the multi-faceted and elusive artist. He is the virtuoso and unclassifiable clarinetist. Three years after their piece Inner premiered, Johanna and Yom continue their choreographic and musical dialogue, exploring water as immemorial matter, from the boundless expanse of the sea to the intimacy of our tears.





  • Dance
  • 20h30
  • 19h30
    Tarif plein
    41 €
    Tarif Pass Chaillot
    27 €
    Tarif Pass Chaillot Jeune
    12 €
    Tarif Pass Chaillot Groupe
    27 €

With their show Inner (2002), dancer and choreographer Johanna Faye and composer and clarinetist Yom found common ground in developing a pagan ritual blending music and bodies. And it resonated so deeply with their respective research that it could only lead to further collaborations. Three years later, they are back together on stage with this new piece Sous ma terre il y a l’eau, where they mix their singular languages in a secret and joyful dialogue. The result for the choreographer is an ever-evolving dance language that pulls from her practice as b-girl as much as from her journey in contemporary dance. As to the composer, his music borrows from oriental influences as it carves a sacred path to trance and meditation. Longtime associate and organist Baptiste-Florian Marle-Ouvrard joins the party.
The starting point is water, an element that pervades Faye’s imagination and aesthetics. Along with the two musicians and supported by the videography of the artist Ndoho, she brings her own free and flowing language to the liquid element, eschewing any predefined style. At the always unexpected meeting point of dance and sounds, the water that runs here is as much the immemorial matter of the infinite space as the water running through our eyes. 

Anaïs Heluin