Mehdi Kerkouche / CCN de Créteil et du Val-De-Marne PRIMA

Saison 24 25
affiche du spectacle PRIMA de Mehdi Kerkouche
A child of television and social media with a passion for the stage and musicals, Mehdi Kerkouche is unstoppable. After the success of his piece PORTRAIT, presented at Chaillot in 2023, the director of CCN de Créteil premieres his new work, "PRIMA".


  • 20h30
  • 19h30
  • 19h30
  • 19h30
  • 15h00
    Full price
    41€ or 45€
    Under 30
    14€ or 19€
    Job seeker
    17€ or 22€
    Social minima
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